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Honest Hour

I’m even having anxiety writing this; just reminds me of what I’ve been through over the past few years. So…this website should have been released in 2018, but here we are in 2020!

 I always wanted a professional website, I even had to build one for myself in grad school but I wanted something more packaged of course. So in 2018, when Venoworks (now Twin Kreative) contacted me about developing my site, I was geeked. I sent them information for the site. I had previously planned a professional shoot (I didn’t end up liking the makeup and hence the pictures that much so I never posted them online), but still sent those images to them to use for the site. The site was practically done, but then I started second-guessing myself. Was I really that “big of a star” to have a website? Who am I? I used Osas Ighodaro’s and Marcy Dolapo Oni’s websites as inspiration but I wondered if I was as “important” as them to have a site. While having these thoughts, there was a loss in communication with Venoworks; the company was changing and shifting. So I just took this as a sign to put the site on hold. 


The following year, I signed up a management team (I didn’t “really” have management in 2018, this will hopefully be another blog post in the future lol). They were of the opinion that I needed a website but more like a blog site (think Linda Ikeji) because that would showcase my writing prowess and could lead to adverts. That wasn’t what I wanted at all, but based on management, I followed through with it. Told Twin Kreative that my managers wanted to go a different route with the site. My team bought a completely new domain and started building a site. They told me to start writing blog posts about different travel and lifestyle topics. While I like those topics, I prefer to write about them when I’m in the spirit NOT because I need content for a site. But like a good client, I listened. Spent my trip to the US that year writing content upon content. My team even told me to hire additional writers to make the site very legit. 


Flash forward to 2020, I’m no longer with that management team and that website doesn’t exist. So I followed my heart and reached back out to Twin Kreative to work on my original site. In these days, people see social media as the only avenue for publicity but there are so many people not on social media. And what about when Instagram crashes, where will people find information about me? There’s even a very incorrect biography about me on the internet that I just can’t get rid of. I just knew I needed to have my own site with my own content cultivated by me and me alone. So here we are! I present to you, my life, my work, and my thoughts. I hope you’ll enjoy and share.

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