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2022: Year of Security

Happy New Year!

Last year, in the group chat, my friend asked “What is your word for 2022?”. The first thing that came to my mind was SECURITY; being financially, socially, and emotionally secure. This year, I want to be safe and secure with myself and others, comfortable with my life and the people in it. I kept having dreams last year where I had sooo much money, hopefully, that comes true. I also plan to prepare for the future, because one is not getting any younger, so investments and retirement plans. Socially, I hope to build more positive relationships, stepping out of my comfort zone personally and professionally, but feeling safe while doing it. Emotionally, I plan to be easy on myself and easier on others (because some people must be shown shege). “Soft, glowing, and happy” is my phrase for the year. I want to smile more and stress less.

Some people (read men) have told me about myself and some of my character “traits” that I hadn’t realized can be offensive or abrasive so I’m actually gonna try and take people’s advice for once in my life.

I am very optimistic about this year. It’s already a bit stressful but only for good reasons. May this be our best year yet!


**New Year photos coming soon hopefully, so just manage these December pics for now

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